旧金山Bay Area Metro Center改造设计

  • 关注度:1161

Like a geode, the Bay Area Metro Center most distinctive and unexpected treasure a soaring atrium -- lies within. The monolithic building a cavernous, 8-story concrete structure occupying an entire city block was built as a military tank assembly plant in 1942 with low, 10 ceilings and massive football field-sized floor plates, punctuated every 25 by concrete columns. Its transformation into a welcoming, light-filled space that fosters unity across multiple floors was achieved by carving an atrium into the center of the building.


◎Blake Marvin Photography

The new Bay Area Metro Center is a collaborative workplace that consolidates four government agencies. The goals of the consolidation is to foster teamwork, pool resources, and gain operational efficiencies. Within the atrium, terraces for informal gathering occur near large, open coffee bars. At the lower levels, a large room for commission hearings, multiple conference rooms, breakout spaces, a bike storage area, retail provide amenities for the future.



Originally designed for another era and purpose, its most remarkable feature is the reuse of the building itself. The LEED Gold-targeted rehabilitation averts the relocation of a 500,000 sf building to landfill and features recycled materials -- including much of the exposed wood used for stair treads, countertops and wall finishes -- from century-old wooden pilings uncovered during the demolition of the original Transbay Terminal nearby.  It leverages its unique assets--immense floor plates capable of accommodating a breathtaking new atrium, and a fixed shell that focused bold and spectacular moves inwardly. The design team created a one-of-a-kind experience for employees and visitors.




图文参考来源自Arch daily


美国著名城市学家伊里尔・沙里宁曾经说过: 让我看看你的城市,我就能说出这个城市的居民在文化上追求的是什么。”可见城市的公共空间设计,除了商业效益外还有重要的社会效益。

康蓝作为一家,除了保证完成客户的高标准外,像Perkins+Will设计出Bay Area Metro Center,康蓝也在不断地向国际著名设计品牌看齐,本着企业责任心,更有一份对社会和行业良好发展的责任与担当。



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